Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Years Style Resolutions for 2011

Now that 2010 is finally over, it's time to turn over a new fashion leaf. Resolve yourself and make some style adjustments for a better and more fashionable year ahead. Good luck and let’s make this year a great one! Here's some tips, to become more chic!

1. Stop overspending: I know all you girls (and guys) look amazing in all the newest designer fashions, but you always end  up with an empty wallet for some time. Supporting your favorite designers is great, and i'm all for stimulating the economy, but know should your limit. There’s no reason you can’t keep your fashion needs on a budget. People may roll their eyes at the fact you bought a garment from Target, but keep it on a don't ask don't tell level. Also you can check up on when sample sales come around, usually at the beginning of a season. 

2.  Subscribe to international fashion magazines: The American point of view is great, but is only one of many. Our favorite fashion icons are cultured, no matter where they’re from. Step outside of U.S. publications for a minute and find your fashion inspiration somewhere besides US Vogue. Hit up a newsstand online or in a major city, and get inspired by what’s going on in Europe, Asia, South America, anywhere!

3. Go back to basics: Invest in more classics, fewer trends. I'm not saying you should ignore major trends because fashionistas live for the latest trend. We are just saying that when you are investing a lot of money into  a single item, make it a classic. A Burberry trench coat will last you ages, but those neon African-print  pants? Not so much.  

4. Mix more prints: Everyone is talking about it, but not everyone is doing it. This style isn’t going anywhere soon so jump in and be daring! It’ll give your wardrobe some much-needed change, especially if you can’t afford an entirely new wardrobe for the new year. If you’re unsure of how to successfully pull off print mixing, there are probably some youtube tutorials, or maybe i will make a list of tips later.